February 27, 2025


Thank you to all those who joined us as we reflected on the milestones of the past year and discussed ways to collectively actualize our long-term vision of the realization of Iman, Islam, and Ihsan. We deeply appreciate your prayers and support. Please continue to keep Al-Maqasid in your prayers.


We are pleased to announce that the date and venue for the 2025 Al-Maqasid Summer Family Retreat have been set!  We are making preparations to hold the retreat on the beautiful grounds of Camp Weequahic once again.  Registration details will be forthcoming, announcements of confirmed instructors, and much more.  Please save the date and join us for a memorable week, in sha'Allah.



📅 When: Friday, February 28th
🕦 Time: 4:15 AM - 5:45 AM
📍 Where: Al-Maqasid (Musallā)

Hadra Badriyya is a monthly gathering that takes place before Fajr on the last Friday of every Hijri month. It has been complied by the great scholar Habib Umar Bin Hafiz and consists of various invocations and devotional poems.

🎧 Listen Live: almaqasid.mixlr.com



📅 When: Friday, February 28th
🕦 Time: 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM
📍 Where: Al-Maqasid (Musallā)

From the bounty of Allah, we will complete our daily Qur’an Reading on Friday, February 28th after Fajr prayer Insha Allah. We will follow with reading the blessed supplication of Sayyiduna Ali Zayn al-‘Abidin. 

Narrations indicate that when the Qur’an is completed mercy descends, prayers are accepted, and 4,000 angel say ‘Amin’ to the supplications made. Believers would gather together for the occasion so the blessing would become widespread. We invite all of you and your children to take part.

🎧 Listen Live: almaqasid.mixlr.com



📌 Address: 7386 Alburtis Road, Macungie, PA 18062

🗺️ Directions: www.almaqasid.org/directions
🌐 Website: www.almaqasid.org
🕋 Prayer Times: almaqasid.org/local-prayer-times



📅 When: Friday, February 28th
🕦 Time: 5:30 PM - 5:50 PM
📍 Where: Hills at Lockridge Bandshell, 7100 Scenic View Drive, Macungie, PA 18062

We encourage the community to look for the crescent moon of Ramadan on Friday, February 28, 2025, 20 minutes before Maghrib at Hills at Lockridge Bandshell, 7100 Scenic View Drive, Macungie.

The intention is to follow the sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, as he said, “The best of Allah’s servants are those who observe the new moons and shadows as a way of remembering Allah.” -Related by Imam al-Hakim.

May Allah bless us in the remainder of Shaban, make us amongst those who conclude Shaban in the best of states, and allow us to reach Ramadan. Amin.

ramadan preparation

Preparing For Ramadan - Habib Umar bin Hafiz

“Make sure you end Sha’ban in the best of states, for Allah records the rewards that we will  receive and the supererogatory actions that we will perform before Ramadan enters. He also  records the bad deeds and the wretchedness of those that will be deprived the blessings of  Ramadan. What will be your state in the last hours of Sha’ban?  

Prepare for the first night of Ramadan, for on this night Allah gazes at His creation, a special  gaze which is unique to this Ummah. Allah will never punish the one upon whom He gazes. Look at how many gifts have been given to this Ummah! When Ramadan enters the gates of the  Garden are opened and the gates of the Fire are closed. If someone who is destined for the Fire  dies during Ramadan he will see that the gates of the Fire are closed! The odour that comes  forth from the mouth of the fasting person is sweeter in the sight of Allah than the scent of  musk! 

Every night Allah decrees the safety of 600,000 people from the Fire (in some narrations one million). Then on the last night he decrees the safety of the same number of people that he  decreed on every night of the month. He also decrees the safety of others during the day – particularly at sunrise and sunset. 

This is not to mention what happens on Laylat al-Qadr! Allah make us amongst those who reach  that night and attain all that it contains. Ask from Allah in the best of ways because Allah does  not accept a du`a from a heart which is heedless. Likewise a du`a from a sound heart is more  likely to be accepted than a du`a from a tongue which is fluent. Knock on the door of the Most  Generous, and it will be opened to you. 

We must welcome the month with joy, since the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him  peace) said: “If my Ummah knew what was in Ramadan they would wish that the whole year  was Ramadan.” 

Fasting is a covenant between us and Allah which must be honoured; the night prayer (qiyam) is  a covenant between us and Allah which must be honoured and sincerely repenting to Allah and  leaving wrong-doings is a covenant between us and Allah which must be honoured. 

Recite the Quran and reflect on its meanings in abundance, bestow prayers upon the Prophet in  abundance and remember Allah in abundance, especially the invocations that he taught us to  (mentioned below).

The people of Allah are overjoyed by the month and the month is overjoyed by them. Ramadan finds comfort in those who are close to Allah just as they find comfort in it. 

Prepare for Ramadan by improving your relationship with your family, your relatives and your  neighbours. If your parents are still alive, improve your etiquette towards them and if they have  passed away, pray for them and donate the reward of your good deeds to them. 

Intend not to speak a word that displeases the Prophet or take a glance that displeases the  Prophet. Do not move your hand or feet in a way that contravenes the Sunnah of your Prophet.  If Allah sees this intention in you He will give you direct assistance. 

Every night a caller calls: “O seeker of good, approach! O seeker of good, approach! O seeker of  good, approach!” 

From sunset until dawn Allah calls out: “Is there anyone seeking forgiveness that I may forgive  him? Is there anyone turning to Me in repentance that I may turn to him? Is there anyone  seeking for their need to be fulfilled that I may fulfil it?” Look how merciful and generous He is!”

Al-Sayyida `A’isha asked the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) what she  should ask for if she knew that it was Laylat al-Qadr

He replied: “O Allah, truly You are all-Pardoning, You love to pardon so pardon us.”

He also said (Allah bless him and grant him peace): “Do four things in abundance: two things  with which you please your Lord, and two things which you cannot do without. As for the two  things with which you please your Lord: your testifying that there is nothing worthy of worship  other than Allah and your seeking His forgiveness. As for the two things which you cannot do  without: your asking Allah for Paradise and seeking refuge in Him from the Fire.”

So say these things in abundance, for they are the best things for which you can use your  tongue. Say them in your homes, in the streets, in the mosques not just at Iftar or after Tarawih

[On the basis of these two hadiths the scholars and people of Tarim repeat the following du`a  throughout the month of Ramadan:  


 Spiritual Dimensions of Fasting with Omar Popal

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Surely, in the days of your Lord there are spiritual breezes; therefore, expose yourself to His breezes." We are pleased to announce our ten part series on practical ways to prepare for the auspicious month of Ramadan. These short reminders are meant to help us immediately prepare for the  blessed month, so that when it arrives, we are able to smoothly transition and get the most out of it. We will release a new video daily, in shaʾ Allah.


The Rewards of Fasting - Omar Popal

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,

“The fasting person has two moments of relief he enjoys: when he breaks his fast he is joyful, and when he meets his Lord he is joyful for his fasting.”

The Firmest Handhold

فَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِٱلطَّـٰغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِنۢ بِٱللَّهِ فَقَدِ ٱسْتَمْسَكَ بِٱلْعُرْوَةِ ٱلْوُثْقَىٰ لَا ٱنفِصَامَ لَهَا ۗ وَٱللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ
So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
(Quran 2:256)



This weekly Majlis includes a recitation of the prophetic biography in poetry form followed by a counsel intended to connect the listener to the Prophet ﷺ and his teachings. The more we know about his life, character, and way, the more we will come to love and follow the one beloved to Allah.

A Connection Beyond Time - Yahya Rhodus

The greatest gift a believer can receive is a heart deeply connected to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. True transformation—within ourselves, our families, and the Ummah—depends on this bond. As Allah says, "Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, you have an excellent example for those who hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah often." (Qur'an 33:21).

Through the words of scholars and poets who carried this love across generations, we are reminded of the longing for the Prophet ﷺ that filled the hearts of his companions and those who came after them. The Prophet ﷺ said, "A man will be with those whom he loves." (Bukhari, Muslim). This love is nurtured by guarding our hearts and senses, yearning for his blessed presence, and striving to embody his noble character. May Allah grant us the honor of seeing him ﷺ in this life and the next.


The Prophet’s ﷺ Unwavering Concern for His Ummah - Amjad Tarsin

Every verse of the Qur’an carries limitless meanings, offering endless wisdom for those who reflect. Among its most profound reminders is Allah’s declaration: "There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful." (Qur’an 9:128)

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was not only sent as a guide but as one whose love and concern for his ummah surpasses all others. In a hadith, he reassures us of this eternal connection, saying, "By Allah, this is my supplication for my ummah in every prayer." (Ibn Majah)

Even in our most difficult moments, we are never alone. Allah is closer to us than anything else, and among creation, the Prophet ﷺ is the closest to us. His prayers, concern, and mercy extend beyond his time in this world, uplifting us with hope and divine love. May we be among those who remain connected to him ﷺ in this life and are gathered with him in the next.


A Legacy of Change and Renewal - Hasan Petrus

One of the greatest miracles of the Prophet ﷺ was his ability to transform those around him—shaping not only his companions but generations long after him. True transformation, the essence of this deen, is not merely external but begins within, changing hearts before manifesting in the world.

Allah says: "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." (Qur’an 13:11)

From the spiritual awakening of Imam al-Ghazali to the unwavering resolve of Salah al-Din, history bears witness to the power of internal renewal leading to outward change. Even the most unexpected of individuals—those overlooked, those counted out—can rise to lead, reform, and bring about monumental shifts when guided by divine wisdom.

The Prophet ﷺ said: "The best among you in the Days of Ignorance are the best in Islam, if they attain understanding." (Bukhari, 3353)


A Life of Worship and the Best of Endings - Yusuf Weltch

Among the greatest blessings after Islam is the gift of the Prophet ﷺ, through whom we came to know our faith. Just as the companions and those after them honored his remembrance, we too must reflect on the purpose of this life—the ultimate goal of meeting Allah with a heart that pleases Him.

The Prophet ﷺ said: "The intelligent one is he who takes himself to account and works for what comes after death." (Tirmidhi, 2459)

Every prayer, every fast, every act of worship is preparation for our final moment when the angel of death comes to take our soul. The righteous live with this awareness, as seen in the story of an elderly man who cycled an hour daily to attend Fajr in congregation. Such devotion is a sign of true understanding, for the Prophet ﷺ said: "If you see someone walking to the mosque in the darkness, bear witness to his faith." (Tirmidhi, 486)

May we be granted the best of endings in this world and the most beautiful of beginnings in the next.


Seminary Rawha

Linguistically related to the spirit (ruh), the Rawha is a class centered around Islamic spirituality. It explores the text-based tradition that outlines the spiritual path and aims to inspire seekers to both embark upon it and attain its realities.


Essential Topics in Religious Literacy

Al-Maqasid's weekly lecture series will cover topics that are essential to every Muslim's religious literacy. We welcome you to join us as our faculty members offer engaging lectures on crucial topics such as the way sacred knowledge was preserved, the importance of infusing spirituality into environments of learning, and what a principled engagement would look like in our context today. Each lecture will be approximately 45 minutes long, allowing ample time for questions and discussion.


Addressing Misconceptions and
Objections in Islam (Rudūd al-Shubuhāt)

This course aims to clarify and address common misconceptions about various issues that are commonly misunderstood and often become causes of division among Muslims. Issues such as celebrating the Prophet’s birth s and the concept of innovation (bid‘a) are some of the topics covered in this course.


Elementary Shafi’i Fiqh:
A Study of The Ladder of Success

Weekly Shafi’i Fiqh class studying the book Sullam Al-Tawfiq (translated by Shaykh Musa Furber as The Ladder to Success) written by the great scholar and caller to Allah, Al-Habib Abdullah bin Hussayn bin Tahir. Instruction will be in English.


The Rawha

The Rawha takes place every Tuesday at 7:00pm EST. During the Rawha, Shaykh Yahya Rhodus will be covering the Hikam (Aphorisms) of Imam Ibn 'Ata'illah al-Iskandari.








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Fatima Davis