The Divine Presence: Inner Dimensions of Prayer 

Allah the Exalted says, Truly, I am Allah! There is no god except Me. So worship Me ˹alone˺, and establish the Prayer for My remembrance. [Quran 20:14] And the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “The likeness of the five Prayers is like a flowing sweet-water river at one’s doorstep that he dives into five times a day. Would you see any filth left on him? Truly, the five Prayers remove sins just as water removes filth.” [Muslim]

When entering the Prayer, we are standing before Allah ﷻ. How do we attain presence of heart and establish the Prayer in a way that truly brings us closer to our Lord?


  • Understanding the importance of the Prayer

  • Learning the fundamentals of the Prayer and establishing it in the way most pleasing to Allah ﷻ

  • Internalizing the meanings and wisdom of the Prayer and having a greater attachment to it as a means of drawing closer to Allah ﷻ