We at Al-Maqasid believe our community’s highest priority is to build sound educational institutions that effectively root the realities of Islam in our lives. Only then will we be able to make unique and beneficial contributions while successfully navigating the turbulent waters of the times. This principled engagement we strive for cannot occur without immersing ourselves in the Prophetic Inheritance.
The Prophetic Inheritance encompasses all aspects of Islam, but the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ particularly mentioned knowledge in relation to it: “Indeed the scholars are inheritors of the Prophets. The Prophets bequeathed neither dirham nor dinar; rather, they bequeathed knowledge. Thus, whoever receives [this knowledge] has indeed received a great portion.” In a famous story of Abu Hurayra, he passed by the marketplace of Medina and called out, “Why are you all here when the inheritance of the Messenger of Allah is being distributed? Shall you all not go and receive your portion of it?”They asked, “Where is this taking place?” He responded, “In the mosque.” They hastened to the mosque, yet upon arrival, they only found people praying, reciting the Quran, and learning the halal and haram. The unexpected sight made them question what they had been told. Abu Hurayra then emphasized, “That is the inheritance of Muhammad ﷺ” The Prophetic Inheritance is the key that unlocks the doors of all good. Indeed, it is the secret to true success in this world and the next. In order to root ourselves in it, we must embark upon a path of learning and connect to the blessed scholarly chains of transmission. The importance of this sacred pursuit relates to the purpose of life itself: to know our Lord.
We invite you to join us on this sacred learning journey towards unlocking the meanings of the Quran, the teachings of our beloved Prophet ﷺ, and accessing the rich Islamic scholarly tradition.
About Al-Maqasid
At Al-Maqasid, our mission is to cultivate holistic learning environments rooted in knowledge, devotion, and service by providing full-time, part-time, online, and community programs. We aim to weave together a diverse set of programs that allow for various levels of formal learning as well as regular opportunities to sustain and increase one’s religious knowledge and practice.
The realization of Islam, Iman, and Ihsan is a lifelong process; thus, we emphasize relationships. We hope to be a lifelong partner in this journey by weaving together a diverse set of programs that allow for various levels of formal learning as well as regular opportunities to sustain and increase one's religious knowledge and practice. Al-Maqasid aspires to cultivate well-rounded believers rooted in the teachings of Islam and equipped to serve creation based on the highest principles. The full-time Seminary represents the heart of our work.
About the Seminary
Currently, our Seminary’s full-time program consists of three years of study:
Year 1 of the seminary is designed to give students firm foundations in the Din. After finishing the program, students should be able to:
Recite the Quran and read voweled Arabic texts fluently
Translate an introductory Arabic text using the tools of grammar, morphology, and the Hans Wehr dictionary
Demonstrate basic speaking and listening skills
Explain the foundational Islamic sciences in English, including the individual obligations (farḍ ‘ayn)
Possess a basic level of Islamic literacy and religious understanding
Apply the skills necessary to be a successful student (including study habits, time management, and methods of memorization and notetaking)
Year 2 is designed to prepare students for text-based seminary study while broadening their understanding of the foundational Islamic sciences.
After finishing, students should be able to:
Recite the Quran with tajwid and read introductory classical texts without vowels
Translate an intermediate Arabic text using the tools of grammar, morphology, and the Hans Wehr dictionary
Demonstrate intermediate speaking and listening skills
They will also be trained to offer the following services:
Teach the essentials of Iman, Islam, and Ihsan in English
Deliver a Friday Sermon (khutba)
Give a general Islamic reminder or speech
In Year 3, students will study the Arabic language at an advanced level, study classical texts of the foundational Islamic sciences in Arabic, and receive practical training to serve the community.
After finishing Year 3, students should be able to:
Translate an advanced Arabic text using the tools of grammar, morphology, and an Arabic-to-Arabic dictionary
Demonstrate advanced speaking and listening skills
They will also be trained to offer the following services:
Teach the foundational Islamic sciences at schools and madrasas, and in their communities
Establish gatherings of remembrance
Conduct a nikah wedding and oversee funeral rites
Pursue intermediate Islamic studies
Throughout their studies, students will be exposed to the principles the seminary is built upon: al-Maqasid al-Thalatha (knowledge, devotion, and service). The al-Maqasid al-Thalatha are not only a teaching methodology that helps root students in a holistic understanding and approach to the religion, but they also serve as guiding life principles to uphold a prophetic way of life.
The knowledge component of the seminary will be detailed below. As for devotion, each year of the Seminary aims to inculcate in the student a consistent routine of prayer in congregation, recitation of invocations, attendance of gatherings of remembrance, and performance of other acts of worship. In an environment of spirituality, mentorship, and companionship, we hope prophetic character traits will be cultivated within them.
As for service, students will also be exposed to a methodology that will assist them in applying their knowledge and serving the community in the future. They will also have ample opportunities to learn the principles of service and actively implement them regularly.
March 1 - May 15
Financial aid is available for students requiring assistance: Financial Aid Application
Daily Schedule
Period 1: 8:30AM-9:20AM
Period 2: 9:30AM-10:20AM
Period 3: 10:30AM-11:20AM
Period 4: 11:30AM-12:20PM
Prayer and Lunch Break: 12:20PM-1:40PM
Period 5: 1:40PM-2:30PM
Period 6: 2:30PM-3:30PM
Serious about their growth and development as students and seekers of knowledge
Committed to active learning and class participation
Dedicated to knowledge, the spiritual path, and the highest principles of service
Disciplined in managing a rigorous class schedule, reviewing lessons, and finishing all assignments*
Dedicated to being involved in Al-Maqasid’s devotional offerings, such as the daily prayers and weekly gatherings of remembrance
Respectful of others and foster a sense of community and belonging
Available for full-time study (this includes obligations such as work, etc.)
Students must attend classes from 8:30am-3:30pm five days a week, and dedicate two-three hours after class for homework and review
Single students are expected to live at the Student Housing
Students are expected to abide by the ethos of Al-Maqasid
All students are expected to represent in modest clothing
APPLICAtion requirementS
18 years of age or older
U.S. Permanent Resident
High School diploma or its equivalent
(Exceptions maybe made for students under 18 or currently in high school on a case by case basis)
Information Sessions – Dates for 2025
Sat March 22 at 3pm EST
Wed April 9 at 6:30pm EST
Sun April 27 at 6:30pm EST
Link for an Information Session: Sign Up
For those who are interested, we encourage you to read all about the program and what we feel the ideal student would be. If you wish to proceed, fill out an application form and register for an information session. If students have no background in Arabic, we offer an Introductory Arabic Reading and Writing program to prepare students for entrance into Year I. Limited lodging is available.
Questions? Check our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us here.