One of the religious obligations upon every community is producing scholars in the locality who can provide answers to any religious questions the Muslims may have. Such an answer, referred to as a fatwa, is the clarification of the legal opinion held by Muslim scholars to a specific question. 

In an effort to fulfill this community obligation, Al-Maqasid will now be accepting questions and clarifying their rulings in Islam by relaying the opinions of the scholars or jurists. Questions can range from the validity of acts of worship to the permissibility of financial transactions, marriage and divorce issues, the permissibility of eating, drinking, or wearing specific things, and more. 

We ask Allah, the Most High, for tawfiq in fulfilling this important duty and serving the needs of the Muslim community with excellence.

Difference between a formal fatwa and an informal fatwa

Al-Maqasid Fatwa and Research Department provides both formal and informal answers to questions. To help you decide which type of answer is most appropriate for your question, here is a brief explanation of each. Please do not ask for both a formal and informal answer to your question. 

A formal answer will be given in writing, and will be signed and stamped. A physical copy of the answer can be picked up from Al-Maqasid. A scan of it can also be sent to the questioner via email. Formal answers are ideal for questions that require heavy research or documentation. Please send in your question via the online form below if you would like a formal answer.

Informal answers will not be signed and stamped. These answers are usually given verbally, but in our circumstances, due to limited access to students of knowledge and scholarship, are also given via our Telegram group (Al-Maqasid Fatwa), or via email ( Please join our Telegram group to ask your informal questions and benefit from the questions of others. Private questions can also be sent to our email address. 


  • Please fill out all the fields with the correct information in either English or Arabic. Answers will be sent to the email address in the form in the language you submit your question in. 

  • Please only submit one question per form. Multiple questions in one form should only be done if they are all related to the same issue, case, or scenario. Make sure your question is clear, free of any errors, and all relevant information pertaining to it is included.

  • Proofread your form before submission.

  • Please be patient while waiting for your answer. Response times will vary according to the nature and details of the question, as well as its position in the queue.

  • Please note that this department is not a legal body. Any opinion and counsel given by the department is not legally binding, rather it is religious counsel.

  • Submission of new questions might be suspended briefly if there are too many questions in the queue

  • Unless otherwise stated, all opinions and rulings given are in accordance with the Shafi’i madhab (school of fiqh).

Formal Question


Informal Question

Please join our Telegram group to ask your informal questions and benefit from the questions of others.
Private questions can also be sent to our email address. (