"Within every human being is a Kingdom. The heart is the ruler of this Kingdom, and the rest of the body are its subjects. If the heart rules with justice and excellence, the body will perform good actions and the Kingdom will flourish. If, however, the heart neglects its duties, the body will be in a state of disobedience to Allah s and the entire Kingdom will suffer the consequences. Allah ﷻ made this Kingdom so crucial that through it the eternal and everlasting dominion of the next life is either gained or lost."

Some of the topics covered are:

•⁠  ⁠The Tongue & Its Effects

•⁠  ⁠Looking at Creation with Love & Mercy

•⁠  ⁠The Impact of Shaking Hands

•⁠  ⁠Attending to the Ending of Our Lives

•⁠  ⁠The Impact of Intention

This book uniquely shows the direct correlation between outward actions and the heart, giving us insights into how various actions impact the state of our hearts. Ultimately, it gives us a way to internalize the wisdom and purpose of acts of devotion, resulting in the purification of the heart and nearness to Allah ﷻ.


about the author

Habib 'Umar Bin Ḥafīẓ is a direct descen­dent of the Prophet Muhammad a through his grandson Imam Ḥu­sayn. He was born in the blessed city of Tarīm, in the valley of Ḥaḍramawt in Yemen. He memorized the Quran as a child and was raised in a righteous household where his parents instilled within him knowledge, faith, and Prophetic character. 

He is the Dean of Dār al-Muṣṭafā for the study of Islamic sciences in Tarim, which he founded in the year 1414 H./1994 C.E. He continues to travel globally to call people to Allah and revive the Prophetic way of knowledge and spiritual cultivation.


about the translator

Born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ustadh Amjad obtained his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Michigan in English Literature and Islamic Studies. He then spent an intensive year studying at Dar al-Mustafa for Islamic Sciences in Tarim, Yemen. There he studied under such luminaries as Habib Umar bin Hafiz, Habib Ali Abu Bakr, and Habib Muhammad al-‘Aydarus. Following his studies in Tarim, he enrolled at Hartford Seminary’s Islamic Chaplaincy program where he completed his Master of Arts in June of 2012. He then served as Muslim Chaplain at the University of Toronto for seven years before joining the faculty at Al-Maqasid in June 2019. 

He is the host of SoulFood FM, a podcast about practical ways of achieving spiritual refinement. Additionally, he has translated Sufism: Its Essence & the Traits of Its People, Sacred Knowledge: Aims & Objectives, and The Islamic Discourse: Its Current State & Future Development, all of which were authored by al-Habib ‘Umar Bin Hafiz.



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