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Madrasa classes for the 2024-2025 school year will be offered to the community as a three-part program:
(1) A morning Hifdh (memorization) component focused solely on Memorizing the Quran.
(2) Afternoon Islamic Sciences focused on studying Fiqh, Hadith, traditional texts, and Aqida.
(3) A weekly afternoon Rawha program that will include lectures on Seerah, Etiquette, and Stories of the Righteous and interactive activities.
Registration Information:
Enrollment signifies a commitment for the entire academic year. Registration is open to all children aged six to eleven.
For enrollment, children must reach six years of age by September 1st of the enrollment year.
Children who will turn twelve on or after January 1st are eligible, while those who will turn twelve before January 1st are not eligible.
Please note that submission of the Registration Interest Form does not guarantee enrollment in Madrasa.
Each form's timestamp determines the order of contact, with families reached out to in the sequence of their form submissions. If maximum enrollment is achieved, subsequent students are placed on a waitlist in the order their forms are received.
Further information on the waitlist procedure and enrollment priorities can be found at:
Parents will receive communication when a spot becomes available for their child. A Family Interview with the Madrasa team will then be scheduled. This interview serves to acquaint the Madrasa team with the students and their families, explain the program, address specific queries or concerns, and ascertain the suitability of the student for the program.