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Madrasa will offer three programs for the 2024-2025 academic year: Hifdh Program, Islamic Sciences, & Rawha
Madrasa Al-Nash' Al-Ṣāliḥ is dedicated to children aged 6 to 11, a time when their ability to memorize and retain information is at its peak.
Our Hifdh Program is designed to facilitate Quran memorization for this age group, taking advantage of the early hours after Fajr, when minds are most alert and receptive.
Allah ﷻ encourages us in the Quran:
"And recite the Quran during the Fajr. Verily, the recitation of the Quran during Fajr is ever witnessed." (17:78)
The Prophet ﷺ also emphasized this: "It is witnessed by the angels of the night and the day." (Sunan Ibn Majah)
Our goal is to embed this Sunnah in the lives of our students, their families, and the wider community. To this end, our Hifdh program runs five days a week from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. The five-day option is designed for advanced students seeking a more intensive study experience. Additionally, a three-day option is available (Tuesday through Thursday), open to everyone, providing a flexible schedule for those who wish to participate.
Success in our Hifdh Program requires close collaboration with parents and a consistent routine at home. While our teachers employ various techniques to aid memorization during class, regular repetition and review are essential.
We recommend that parents help their children dedicate at least 5-6 hours per week to memorization and review at home. We view parents as partners in this educational journey and are committed to providing the necessary resources to support their child(ren) in achieving their goals.
We firmly believe that, with an optimal learning environment both at Madrasa and at home, each student can reach their highest potential, insha'Allah
We are pleased to introduce the Islamic Sciences Program as a new addition to our afternoon Madrasa schedule. The Islamic Sciences Program will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM. This program is designed to deepen students' understanding of key Islamic disciplines, providing a solid foundation in essential sciences. Students will study and memorize Hadith, Fiqh, and Aqida, using traditional Islamic texts to engage with classical scholarship.
This program presents an excellent opportunity for students to gain deeper insights into their faith, complementing the knowledge they acquire in the Hifdh and Rawha programs. By studying these subjects, students will be better equipped to live as informed and practicing Muslims.
We highly recommend all students take advantage of this program to enrich their understanding of Islam and strengthen their spiritual and intellectual growth.
While we strongly encourage students to enroll in the Madrasa Hifdh, Islamic Sciences, and Rawha programs, we understand that some may have constraints that prevent them from participating in all classes. Enrollment in all programs is not mandatory. Although these components complement each other, participation in one will not affect a student’s performance or comprehension in another. The registration process remains the same, whether students enroll in one, two, or all programs.
Traditionally, a Rawha is a class held in the late afternoon or early evening, focusing on subjects related to Islamic spirituality. This time of day is especially blessed, as it is believed that provisions for the heart are distributed during these hours.
Madrasa’s Rawha class will be held once a week, every Tuesday afternoon from 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm. It will include a component on Islamic sciences, along with an interactive session designed to encourage student engagement with their peers. The class will also feature guest speakers and special activity days.
Please note: While we do encourage students to enroll in the Madrasa Hifdh, Islamic Sciences, and Rawha programs, we understand that some may have constraints that prevent them from participating in all classes. Enrollment in all programs is not mandatory.
Although these components complement each other, participation in one will not affect a student’s performance or comprehension in another. The registration process remains the same, regardless of what option families choose.