A Collective Du'a for Palestine


“Who responds to the distressed when they cry to Him, relieving ˹their˺ affliction, and ˹Who˺ makes you successors in the earth? Is it another god besides Allah?" [Quran 27:61] The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has said, "The Ummah in their mutual love, mercy, and affection is like one body. If one part of the body suffers, the rest of the body responds with wakefulness and fever." [Bukhari & Muslim]

As we witness the oppression and tragic loss of innocent lives in Palestine, many feel overwhelmed with feelings of sadness and resentment. 

As believers, we never lose hope and we recognize that Allah's will is supreme. Even when the Prophet ﷺ faced the most debilitating challenges, he ﷺ turned to Allah constantly and sought only His support. Therefore, we must turn to Allah ﷻ and seek His assistance and protection.

Join us this Friday at 5am as we gather during the last third of the night to make duʿa for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. We ask Allah ﷻ that He bring relief to the Ummah.

Ibrahim SouaddaFirst 30