Book Launch

The Kingdom of the Heart by Habib ‘Umar Bin Ḥafīẓ gives the reader a deeper understanding of the importance of cultivating the spiritual kingdom of the heart. This book shows the direct correlation between outward actions and the heart, giving us insights into how various actions impact the state of our hearts. Ultimately, it gives us a path to internalize the wisdom and purpose of acts of devotion, resulting in the purification of the heart and nearness to Allah ﷻ.
Join us as we discuss Al-Maqasid’s new publication of Habib ‘Umar Bin Ḥafīz’s important work on Islamic spirituality. Our program will consist of some remarks on the book and select readings, and a book signing.
Habib ‘Umar Bin Ḥafīẓ, a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, is a living master of the Islamic sciences. He is the Dean of Dār al-Muṣṭafā for the study of Islamic sciences in Tarim, which he founded in the year 1414 H./1994 C.E. He continues to teach, travel globally to call people to Allah ﷻ, and revive the Prophetic way of knowledge and spiritual cultivation.

Fatima Davis