On Prophetic Characteristics

A study of Book 20 of Imam al-Ghazali’s Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din

Al-Hamdulillah Jazakum Allah Khayra to all our guests who came from near and far, who came in person or connected online, who attended all the sessions or just listened for a while. We are truly humbled and honored by your presence. May Allah accept all that you intended, all of your efforts in seeking knowledge, and help put into practice all that you've learned to benefit your families, your loved ones, and communities. Amin!

We are deeply grateful to each of you for making this retreat such a memorable and spiritually enriching experience. We pray that Allah grants us all the ability to act upon what we learned together and that He ﷻ keep the hearts connected. 

Whether you were unable to attend or wish to revisit these sessions, we invite you to access the full playlist:

May Allah grant us the ability to embody the qualities of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ, to tread the path of those beloved to Him, and to make our character a means of bringing light to those around us. May He strengthen our resolve to overcome challenges with forbearance, increase us in gratitude for His countless blessings, and gather us with the Prophet ﷺ in the highest levels of Paradise, in the company of the righteous, the truthful, and our loved ones. Amin.

Please save the date for our next weekend retreat, On the Marvels of the Heart: A Study of Book 21 of the Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn which will take place on February 14-16, 2025 Insha Allah.

We look forward to seeing you again, whether at future retreats, gatherings, or engaging with us online. 

Fatima Davis