Madrasa Registration / Opens Friday (Aug 25) at 9AM
Asalamu ‘Alaykum,
The Al-Maqasid Madrasa is delighted to announce our new comprehensive Hifdh Program, accompanied by a weekly Rawha program, for children aged 6-11.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, Madrasa classes will be provided to the community through a two-part program:
1. A morning Hifdh (memorization) segment with a primary focus on the Qur’an, accompanied by Islamic sciences that involve memorization.
2. A weekly afternoon Rawha Program, comprising Sīra (biography of the Prophet ﷺ), Islamic etiquette, stories, supplications, and an engaging activity.
We will open registration on Aug 25, 2023 at 9:00AM for the 2023-2024 Academic year, which will begin on October 3rd, 2023. Space is limited * and applications will be processed on a first come first serve basis. We encourage everyone to apply early. Registration closes September 10, 2023.
Detailed information and applications can be found on our website:
* Priority is given to returning students