Qur'an Khatm / Monday (August 21st) at 6:00am


Assalam alaykum,

From the bounty of Allah, as part of our daily Quran Halaqa after Fajr prayer at Al-Maqasid, we are now approaching another Khatm, in shaʾ Allah. Our Khatm will take place tomorrow morning (August 21st), around 6am Eastern, after which we will read the blessed supplication of Sayyiduna Ali Zayn al-Abidin.

Narrations indicate that when the Qur’an is completed mercy descends, prayers are accepted, and 4,000 angels say ‘Amin’ to the supplications made. Believers would gather together for the occasion so the blessing would become widespread. We invite all of you and your children to take part.

For those who cannot attend in person, the gathering will be broadcast online at www.mixlr.com/almaqasid