بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Preparing for the Al-Ghazali Weekend Retreat
“On Devotional Poetry”
June 7-9, 2024

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

We pray that this message reaches you in the best of states. You have registered to attend the Al-Maqasid Weekend Retreat from Friday evening, June 7th at 5:45pm to Sunday afternoon, April 9st 4:00pm. With Allah’s permission, we will be blessed to be joined by Yahya Rhodus and Amjad Tarsin as well as resident Imam Sayyid Abdul Fattah Ba-Alawi.

The Topic of the retreat is ‘On Devotional Poetry: A Study of Book 18 of the Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn’. In Imam al-Ghazali’s On Devotional Poetry, he discusses both textual evidence and proper analogy that indicates its permissibility under certain occasions and conditions.


Please join the telegram group for live announcements and materials. 
On Devotional Poetry: A Study of Book 18 of the Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn’


For copyright reasons, this is for personal use of those attending the retreat only. The pdf is from Mokrane Guezzou's translation of the abridgment of the Ihya 'Ulum al-Din published by Serenity Productions. They graciously granted Al-Maqasid permission to make it available to all participants.


Click the link or image below to download the retreat schedule
Retreat Schedule


To attend the sessions LIVE and ONLINE please go here:
Youtube: LIVE Book 18

For for live audio stream only please go to:
MixLR: https://mixlr.com/almaqasid_retreat

YouTube will carry only the main sessions; MixLR will be audio only but include awrad, adhkar, and Inshad.

Please note if you miss a session or would like to review sessions after the retreat you can find them uploaded at the following link: Book 18: On Devotional Poetry

Directions & Parking

Al-Maqasid Main Parking Lot
Available for teachers, elderly, and those requiring assistance.

Al-Maqasid Stone Barn Parking Lot:
Primary parking for events, retreats, and programs.

local prayer times

We look forward to your attendance and pray for a blessed weekend insha'allah!

BarakAllahu Fīkūm