The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said “The area between my house and my pulpit is a Garden from the Gardens of Paradise.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

This hadith is referring to the Rawda (which literally means ‘garden’), a piece of Paradise in this world located in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina. The opportunity to pray in the Rawda al-Sharifa is yearned for by pilgrims from around the world, visiting the sanctified place where the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself prayed abundantly.

Al-Maqasid is immensely fortunate once again to have acquired limited parcels of the blessed rugs from the Rawda al-Sharifa, which rugs were honored to have physical closeness to the resting place of our Prophet ﷺ and have been blessed with the prayers and prostrations of countless members of the Prophet’s nation. 

This year, we are very excited and blessed to share that we have acquired a large full-size piece of the blessed rawda rug (pictured immediately below), which we will be offering as a gift to the winner of a silent auction. 


The auction will commence on Friday, September 22, 2023, and will conclude by 4 PM at the end of the Annual Loving the Beloved Commemoration on September 23, 2023.  Anyone who wishes to participate in the silent auction should send an email with their bid to prior to the end of the bidding period (4 PM on September 23, 2023).  The winner of the silent auction will be announced at the end of the Annual Loving the Beloved Commemoration, in sha Allah. 



Minimum Bid: $100,000

Current Bid: $


The auction will commence on Friday, September 22, 2023, and will conclude by 4 PM at the end of the Annual Loving the Beloved Commemoration on September 23, 2023.  Anyone who wishes to participate in the silent auction should send an email with their bid to prior to the end of the bidding period (4 PM on September 23, 2023).  The winner of the silent auction will be announced at the end of the Annual Loving the Beloved Commemoration, in sha Allah.

The minimum bid is $100,000, but indeed, this prayer rug is truly priceless, and we are excited to gift it to the winner of the silent auction to support the ongoing work of Al-Maqasid.


We are also offering pieces of the blessed rawda rugs that have been specially cut and stitched into the form of individual-size prayer rugs.  Al-Maqasid has acquired two different styles of the rugs from the Rawda al-Sharifa — one that is predominantly green (the style used most recently) and one that is cream (used during the King Fahd era)

Below are numbered pictures of the blessed green Rawda rugs.

Green Rawda Rug #1
(25” x 45.5”)

Green Rawda Rug #2
(25” x 45.5”)

Next are pictures of the blessed cream rawda rugs.


Cream Rawda Rug #!
(21.5” x 51.5”)

Cream Rawda Rug #2
(21.5” x 51.5”)

Cream Rawda Rug #3
(21.5” x 51.5”)

During this blessed month of the Prophet’s ﷺ birth, we would like to extend to you the opportunity to have one of these precious rugs in your home. While these prayer rugs are truly priceless, we are excited to share them with you as gifts in exchange for donations made to Al-Maqasid in the amounts set forth below, to support the ongoing work of Al-Maqasid.


Large Cream Rawda Rug (12.8 x 14.7 feet) Minimum Bid - $100,00 in Silent Auction

Green Rawda Rug (25 x 45.5 inches; Rugs 1-2) - $10,000

Cream Rawda Rug (29.5 x 51.5 inches; Rugs 3-5) - $7,500


If you are interested in one of these blessed rugs, please email Zaid Mohiuddin ( Quantities are limited and prayer rugs will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. 

At Al-Maqasid, we are dedicated to conveying the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to humanity, and seeking to inculcate his noble Sunnah into our daily lives, in order to draw close to Allah and His Beloved.